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Paying for Performance

Instilling a culture where your employees strive to do their best not only gives them an opportunity to continually grow but it always enables the business to perform.


We have long held the opinion that if an employee is performing and the business benefits from this, it is only fair that the employee enjoy the benefits of their hard work, dedication and loyalty. Paying an employee for their performance shows them that you are grateful for their contribution, their contribution doesn’t go unnoticed and you will see an employee continually striving for their best.


Paying for Performance also helps to provide an indirect message to those employees who are under performing to pick up their performance and strive for more….and they will be rewarded too.


Having a culture of “if the business wins as a result of the employees efforts” and paying for performance will provide loyalty, flexibility and most importantly staff retention.  How can you implement this in your business?


In our next article, we talk about the benefits of seeking feedback from your employees anonymously.

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