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I want to grow my business....what do I need to focus on?

As a business owner, growing your business is the key to your success BUT determining how to successfully do that can be a challenge especially with many businesses being workload heavy but time poor in the present economy.  Identifying how to strategically breakdown your business’ profitability into manageable pieces will open the door to areas of weakness and concern and with this, your business can begin to implement strategies to grow.  So where do you start?  This is the real challenge to be faced and with all challenges…work from the top to the bottom!  Start with your sales. 


Sales is a key component of the business profitability, and we use a simple yet effective ‘growth equation’ to assist our business owners to identify what area of their sales operation is causing the stagnant growth within their business:




Knowing what each of these components mean within your style of business and how they can be tracked will improve your comprehensive understanding of your business and will open the door to an endless number of strategies to be implemented for business growth.  To understand more on how to breakdown each component of your business and take advantage of the business growth available to you join us at our business advisory event, located in Mackay at Aligned Corporate Residences, Macalister street on Wed 13 Sep at 4:30pm.

Click here to purchase your ticket || Free for clients & $20 for Mackay residents.

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