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Customer service inspiration

All businesses strive to “offer great customer service”, but what does this mean in practice and how can we do this through the pandemic? Below are some ideas on how you can serve shoppers better.

The great thing about customer service is that it is something you can work on today, unlike external factors that impact sales.

Try the following in your store:

  • Remember your regulars - Get to know your regular customers. Greet them by name or identify them while your working from home, ask them how their previous purchases have worked out, and strike conversations based on common interests.
  • Educate your customers - If you take the time to educate customers before they purchase, and tailor your recommendations to their needs, your shopper is more likely to leave happy. Take this time to get writing on those educational pieces while you may have less work distracting you.
  • Offer a sincere greeting when they walk in - Great customer service starts the moment people walk through your doors. Make an amazing first impression by coming up with a solid greeting for your customers. Avoid cookie-cutter messages like “Can I help you?” Instead, tailor your greeting or grab the opportunity to serve and get to know them better. Work on on this procedure for you and your team ready for when you are back on deck.
  • Cheer them up - Customer looking a bit down? See if you can cheer them up. Sometimes, this can be as simple as smiling at them and giving them a sincere compliment. Other times, you could crack a joke or tell a story to cheer them up. The right approach varies from one customer to the next, so get creative with your actions.

There are tons of ways to make your customers feel extra special and there are things you can be doing if you think outside the box now to still service them, or just start thinking of ways on how you can acknowledge and appreciate those clients when your back on deck.

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