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Getting clear on your WHY

Know your WHY!

Get back to the basics and get solid on your why this year.

If you fail to plan, then are you not truly planning to fail?

Harsh but the truth is we all need to get back to a little bit of business simplicity this year and check on the foundations.

Your WHY may have changed or it may have a few minor tweaks but at some point, you are going to be basing your business structure, systems and leadership training on this.

Knowing your “why” can serve as a guiding principle for decision-making in your business. It helps you make choices that align with your core values and long-term vision. And more interestingly, it enables you to make your decision within a very short time.

That doesn’t mean a 50-page business plan necessarily, but some sort of roadmap or framework will give you the best shot at getting clear.

We see it all the time with clients when we ask why they are in business. The answer is usually very different to what they are doing and what they are actually getting.

So, stop it. Get clear.

1.     Why do you do what you do

2.      What motivates and drives you? I.e. Where does your job satisfaction come from?

3.      What are you ultimately looking to achieve out of it? This is things like money, lifestyle, flexibility, etc.

Your why becomes the true compass in your day-to-day decisions. If you are saying you want the flexibility to spend more time with the family, then are your decisions day by day allowing that? Or are they making you busier and taking you further away from that.

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